
Bars where Pete has had a Drink (6,073 bars; 1,754 bars in Seattle) - Click titles below for Lists:

Bars where Pete has had a drink

Friday, November 23, 2012

#1839 #S1049 - Mutiny Hall, Seattle - 8/13/2012

Update: Mutiny Hall closed May 17, 2014.

This is another craft beer public house from Seth Howard of downtown's Collins Pub and Lake City's Hudson Pub. This one is very much in the model of Hudson, with a good selection of beers, a woody but fairly plain design, and slightly upscale pub food. With all the places one can get great beers, the attractiveness of this place for me will depend upon the kind of crowd it attracts and vibe they create. During this visit it felt a little lifeless, but they were just getting started, so it remains to be seen if it manages to establish a sort of neighborhood vitality.

1205 Northeast 65th Street Seattle, WA 98115 - (206) 524-5020
Est. Aug 12, 2012 - Building constructed: 1947 - Closed May 17, 2014
Previous bars in this location: None known (previously Jalisco restaurant)
Web site: - facebook
Reviews: seattlepi - seattlebeernews - examiner - thrillist - thestranger - yelp - urbanspoon

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