Now an upscale, French bistro, the Place Pigalle was once a very blue collar blues joint, and before that a bordello.
"Place Pigalle’s history can be traced back mid-century to a seedy watering hole named the Lotus Inn. Adjacent to the La Salle Hotel (formerly known as the Outlook Hotel, built in 1909), the Lotus Inn was probably the first stop for sailors to have a quick drink before meeting up with a strumpet at the bordello upstairs." --
Place Pigalle history
"The illustrious Place Pigalle in the Pike Place Market was the nastiest, hippest, blues bar in the 1970’s. Little Bill, Junior Earl and the Pearls, Isaac Scott Blues Band, Philharmonic Sam, the Grey Blues Band all played there. It was on the south corner of the market with its back windows looking out on Puget Sound and Alaskan Way 3 stories below. One night while we were playing I looked up to see an intoxicated patron pick a keg of beer up and throw it out the windows to drop 3 stories onto Alaskan Way! It was often like the Country Bunker in the Blues Brothers movie. (
81 Pike Street Seattle, WA 98101 - (206) 624-1756
Lotus Tavern est. 1909 - Place Pigalle est. ? (1950s)