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Friday, December 20, 2024

#6009 - Medieval Tavern U Krále Brabantského, Prague, Czech Republic - 12/10/2024

Medieval Tavern U Krale Brabantskeho
Prague, Czech Republic

In the city of Prague there are many great bars in cellar and cave-like spaces of the old buildings, including multiple bars that provide a "medieval" experience, often with shows. But the "original" of these is Medieval Tavern "U Krále Brabantského," or "King of Brabant," said to have been established in 1375, in the shadow of Prague Castle. From the website
'From 1375, when the tavern was first opened, kings and smugglers used to come here. It is said that Czech kings used secret passages from the castle to get into the tavern and get drunk to forget their problems about Czech lands. Magister Kelly and Arcimboldo, Jaroslav Hašek and Karel Čapek, Mozart and Ondřej Soukup all used to drink here.

It is said that genius W.A. Mozart wanted to compose „Velkou Ranní" during his last visit in Prague. However from unknown reasons he ended up with „Malá Noční“.

At the end of the 18th century, the owner of our tavern was some "regimentstambor" called Krügler - famous showman. He could whistle and use a wooden spoon like he was playing the drums. Or he was just telling stories to his guests.'


Third Eye Traveller adds:

"The name comes from Duke John I of Brabant also known as Gambrinus who is the patron saint of brewers.

There are legends that the kings of Bohemia like Wenceslas IV and Rudolf II used to come to drink here in secret with smugglers and thieves.

Famous Czech figures would also haunt these halls like Italian painter Arcimboldo and the Czech writers Jaroslav Hašek and Karel Čapek."

The shows are not for me, so I made my way in the early afternoon, for the decor, atmosphere and some traditional Czech cuisine. The sources for the founding date and descriptions came from commercial sites and traveling sites, and I wish I'd come upon some more well founded and detailed descriptions of the history of the place from someplace like historic scholars or a university. But the decor and vibe definitely live up to the reputation, and show or no show, it would be among my highest recommendations for any visitor to Prague. 


Thunovská 198/15, 118 00 Malá Strana, Czechia +420 602 524 725
Est. 1375 - Building constructed: 1375
Previous bars in this location: None known 
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