
Bars where Pete has had a Drink (6,067 bars; 1,754 bars in Seattle) - Click titles below for Lists:

Bars where Pete has had a drink

Thursday, October 20, 2011

#1550 #S917 - Bar Del Corso, Seattle - 9/10/2011

I was sad to see the long-running Beacon Hill Pub close before I could ever make it (the owner moved to open Orcas Landing).  But holy smokes, Jerry Corso has turned this into one of the city's best neighborhood pizzerias and restaurants. We sat at the end of the bar and watched delicious looking dish after delicious looking dish coming out.  It's no secret either -- though it is a reasonably sized place, you can expect to have a fairly long wait any day of the week if you go anywhere close to the dinner hour.

But it's worth it.

I put BDC in my personal top 4 pizza stops in Seattle (along with downtown's Serious Pie, Wallingford's Delancey, and West Seattle's Phoenicia).  We had the Salame Piccante pizza (tomato, salame, mozzarella, roasted peppers and grana).  But the salads and appetizers are as good or better.  We enjoyed the Suppli al Telefono (Roman street food: fried risotto balls and mozzarella) and I had the best heirloom tomato / Caprese salad I've ever had in my life (heirloom tomatoes and burrata with extra virgin olive oil, balsamic must, basic and coarse see salt).

The bar is good as well.  I had an Old Perry Manhattan Redux (sweet vermouth, rye whiskey, Angostura bitters), but it is the food that will make you lust to return.

3057 Beacon Ave S, Seattle, WA 98144 - (206) 395-2069
Est. July 12, 2011 - Building constructed: 1926
Other bars at this location: There have been bars her since at least 1939,  and it was the Beacon Hill Pub from at least 1948 until 2010 - facebook - seattletimes - seattletimes - seattleweekly - thestranger - - yelp

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