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Bars where Pete has had a drink

Saturday, December 20, 2014

#2304 - Pla-Mor Bar and Grill, Maple Valley, WA - 9/27/2013

Pla Mor Tavern / Bar and Grill, Maple Valley, WA
The Pla Mor is a long-time local dive in Maple Valley, a city of about 25,000 some ten miles east of SeaTac airport. It sits along a section of the Maple Valley Highway that splits residential areas from shopping centers, and manages to somehow maintain the feeling of a rural setting. The bar has been around a long time, but I do not know how long: The building was constructed right after prohibition (1933) and it's been the Pla Mor since at least the early 60s. "Fred DePasquale bought the Pla Mor for $24,000 in 1966 and sold two kinds of beer and wine, mostly to blue-collar workers, such as coal miners from Black Diamond, loggers and construction workers" (Seattle Times), and it's been in the DePasquale family ever since.

It is known for its fish tanks and two 18-pound piranhas, also featured in a funky mural along the front. It features fairly typical bar fare, though it touts it's affordable steaks. A long time local I met at another bar suggested it was best to go in the early afternoon, to see "drunk, middle-aged people fighting."

People who like dive bars will like it here. It has a fair amount of character and characters, and reminders of quite a lot of Washington state bar history in the form of bar tokens under the plexiglass bar counter.

Painted above the urinal in men's room of Pla Mor Bar and Grill

21607 SE 272nd St Maple Valley, WA 98038 - (425) 432-6858
Est. ? - Building constructed: 1933
Reviews: seattletimes - yelp

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