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Bars where Pete has had a drink

Sunday, March 08, 2015

#2354 - Funky Winker Beans, Vancouver, BC - 11/29/2013

Funky Winker Beans, Vancouver, BC
Just across West Hastings street from Funky Winker Beans is the Grand Union Hotel, which I have described as a very pure dive, with an elderly crowd and not a hint of hipness. Funkys is the opposite sort of dive, where young people go to hear live punk and metal shows on the weekends, and karaoke every other day of the week.

For many decades previously the building appears to have operated as a hotel and brothel, and the old photographs of women on the bar walls are said to be prostitutes who worked upstairs around the 1920s. It features a grand, antique back bar and columns that look like they date back to about that time.

Funky Winkerbeans, Vancouver, BC

37 W Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 1G4 - (604) 569-3515
Est. 1984? - Building constructed: year
Previous bars in this location: The Palace Hotel
Web site: - facebook - tumblr
Reviews: yelp - theprovince - alienatedinvancouver - tumblr - tumblr - ahamedia

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